Essentials For Events

Some useful items that may or may not be required based upon your scope of work.


Permits on public property (& some on private property) require an insurance policy with a minimum of $1 Million in liability. 
More Info: CAM 2102
Cost: Event insurance varies based on scale but a policy that meets the city’s requirements can be obtained for as little as $150


Security isn’t required but can be very helpful for multi-day events on public land.
Cost: Hourly costs can range from $28/hour for a private service to $58/hour for off- duty Seattle Police Dept. officers.

Other Essentials

  • Barricades
  • SDOT will provide you with explicit req.s for this category.  Barricades for a single block closure can be rented for approx. $160

  • Tents
  • Tents can range in cost from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.  The city requires that tents or enclosures over 500sf undergo review by DPD. However several vendors offer pre-permitted tents that have already been reviewed.  It’s simpler to layout your event with multiple structures under 500sf rather than enclosing under one shelter.

  • Generators
  • Generators over 5kw need an additional permit.  If you need more power than 5kw seek out a vendor like Hollywood Lights which will have permitted equipment. 

  • Fencing
    Fencing for beer gardens must be a min. of 42in tall.  Event services like Honey Bucket can provide you with city approved fencing.