
It's your responsibility to better your city


When it’s not possible to obtain a permit, guerrilla designers should consider the following suggestions before acting

Do no harm

This doesn’t mean that everyone has to be happy, but designers should be secure that they are acting in the best interest of the public not themselves.

Involve the public

The most successful actions involve and engage the public, designers that wish for their actions to continue beyond their initial installation would be well served by planting the seeds of possibility in the public consciousness. 

Create reasons to return

Spaces that create a reason to return have the most potential to grow and change over time as the public engages and adds to them.  Making a lasting impact on your cultural surroundings

Contact Neighbors

This will be required by the city’s permitting process but it’s good practice regardless to identify stakeholders and involve them in some way.  Involving residents, landowners, & surrounding businesses can create a hub of related activity around your installation.

Be a Steward

The best projects aren’t just an single installation, they are an actively growing and evolving design experiment.  Don’t be afraid to update and improve the design based on observation.